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HOW A MASTER WORKS By Ivy Oneita Duce - Meher Book House

Meher Book House


Rs. 1,200.00

Ivy Duce, long-time Murshida of Sufism-Reoriented, writes with charm, humor and honesty of her own spiritual search and the path that finally led to her first meeting with Meher Baba in 1948 in India, and subsequent meetings in India and the U.S. There is also a detailed account of how Sufism became "re-oriented" to Meher Baba. With an extensive supplement.This Book has something for everyone-for those who like cracking good biography;for those new seekers first tuning into inner life;for those advanced spiritual aspirants on any spiritual path;and espically for those who wish deeper understanding of the role of guidance in the perfection of consciouness. 
Published 1975.

Sufism Reoriented is an American school of universal spiritual training created in 1952 by Meher Baba. Ivy Duce was the first leader or Murshida of the group from 1952 until 1981. She died in 1981.

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